With twenty-nine successful years of unique program planning and over 2,082 participants from 90 communities across the state, Leadership New Mexico has established itself as the preeminent educational organization for business, community, and government leaders to gain insight and understanding about our great state.

Leadership New Mexico launched the first Core Program class twenty years ago with 32 participants from 12 communities across New Mexico, and today we have over 1,000 statewide leaders from 60 communities who have participated in the Core Program.

Because of the success of the Leadership New Mexico Core Program and the support of its alumni, we launched the Local Government Leadership Program in 2003. This program is an educational partnership between the New Mexico Counties, the New Mexico Municipal League, the New Mexico School Boards Association, and Leadership New Mexico. To date, the program has had over 400 participants from 46 municipalities, 27 counties, 12 New Mexico National Guard members, 14 school districts and 2 regional councils of governments.

Connect New Mexico, The Next Generation of Leadership, was launched in 2007. This is a program for young professionals, ages 25 to 40, focusing on various New Mexico systems and structures and critical issues facing our state. The Connect New Mexico Program has had over 400 participants from 37 communities.